The next part of the Financial Plan involves the Forecasted Financial Statements. You will include the following forecasted statements and analysis in your Financial Plan. Click on each item below for details and examples.
Forecasted Income Statements |
Forecasted Balance Sheets |
Forecasted Cash Flow Statements |
Break-even Analysis |
Sensitivity Analysis |
Ratio Analysis |
This concludes PART B of the financial plan entitled "Forecasted Financial Statements". The purpose of this section was not to show you how to develop forecasted financial statements, rather the purpose was to show you how the statements generally appear in the Financial Plan.
To learn the theory behind each financial statement, please refer to the section entitled "Understanding Financial Statements". To learn how to forecast your own financial statements, please refer to the section entitled "Forecasting your Own Financial Statements".
In summary, be sure your forecasted financial statements and analysis provide for a three year forecasted period and include the following:
Forecasted Income Statements | all on one page |
Forecasted Balance Sheets | all on one page |
Forecasted Cash Flow Statements | one page for each cash flow statement |
Break-even Analysis | Calculations on one page, analysis is unlimited |
Sensitivity Analysis | One page for each sensitivity, analysis is unlimited |
Ratio Analysis | on one to three pages depending upon your format |
Please Note: as mentioned earlier, you will save yourself time and money if you develop the above financial items using a spreadsheet program such as Lotus 123, Excel or QuattroPro.