Complex businesses should include a topic under the operating plan entitled "Time-line". The time-line will discuss, in sequential order, all major procedures, activities, and events that must occur before the business can open its doors. The purpose of a time-line is twofold. First, it forces the entrepreneur to plan each operational activity necessary before the business can open. Secondly, it provides an indication to investors on the steps the entrepreneur must take in order to turn an idea into a fully functioning business.
Since specific procedures, operational activities, and events vary from business to business, it is impossible to provide you with a specific structure for the time-line section. We can, however, provide you with examples of typical operational procedures, activities and events that may need to occur before a business can open its doors. These examples are as follows:
You may also decide to provide a graphical version of all major operating planning procedures, operational activities, and events. A graphical version provides an easy visual for readers of business plans. The following illustrates a typical time-line.
The following time-line graphical depicts the timing of major procedures, activities and events. Lets end this section by summarizing the operating procedures, activities and events outlined in the above graphical time-line.
Buy/ Renovate
Facility ______________
Order & Receive
|------------Supplies------| Hire & Train
| |
Order Order Receive | Install Begin
------Equipment -------Inventory--------Inventory --|-------Equipment-------------------Operations
July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May
The above time-line graphical depicts the timing of major procedures, activities and events. Lets end this section by summarizing the procedures, activities and events outlined in the above graphical time-line.
For more information relating to the Components of the Operating Plan, please refer to section entitled Operating Plan.