Promoting Your Products and Services
Below discusses various ways to promote your products, services and overall business. For your convenience, this section has been arranged in the following manner:
1. Introduction to Advertising and Promotions
2. Print Advertising
3. Televised Advertisements
4. Magazine Advertisements
5. Radio Advertisements
6. Direct Marketing
7. Advertising Specialties
8. Billboards & Public Transit Advertising
9. Publicity and Public Relations
10. Ideas for Advertising and Promotions
1. Introduction to Advertising and Promotions:
The term promotion refers to the various methods you use in order to convey the message about your product to potential consumers. There are innumerable promotional devices - word of mouth, press releases, paid advertisements, and sponsorship of sports or special events only to name a few - but to determine which devices will be most effective to use, you must first choose the image that you desire your product to convey to the consumers. You can choose and develop this image based upon what would be most attractive and appealing to your target market group.
Choosing which promotional devices to use can be a much easier task than designing and presenting the image that you wish to put forward to the consumer. You may decide to advertise in a local newspaper, and as well would like to decorate your company cars with attractive decals; however, deciding the proper way to advertise for your target group in that particular newspaper or the most useful manner to apply decals to the automobiles may most successfully be achieved by or with the help of an experienced professional. Unless you have had special training in advertising or marketing, or are especially insightful and creative, the task of these endeavors in most cases can be more effectively and, in the long run, more efficiently performed by a professional.
In order to ensure the successful incorporation of advertising into your business plans, it is very important to establish a realistic budget for advertising that will help to increase your profits, sales, and the growth of your company, while also giving you the peace of mind that comes from working within your means. There are no specific guidelines regarding appropriate or necessary amounts of money to be spent in advertising, for every company is different and each requires a unique advertising plan. Some smaller companies will do well with minimum advertising, and spending little money. Other larger companies may be required to spend in excess of 10% of their yearly income towards advertising, due to the competition between companies of their stature.
It is important to determine a budget for your advertising campaigns, and also to know of resources at your disposal which can help to decrease advertising costs. Cooperative advertising funds are monies that are available from manufacturers for businesses who are promoting that particular manufacturer's product. With this agreement, your business would spend money to advertise a manufacturer's product, and in return, that manufacturer would either contribute or reimburse you for your advertising. In addition to the money you spend on advertising, the extra contribution from the product manufacturer can help you to afford much larger, more influential advertisement campaign.
A disadvantage to using co-op funds, though, is that there are strict and confusingly detailed guidelines which surround the terms of their use, and it often takes a lot of time and perseverance to obtain the funds. Tradeouts, the process where you will give away some of your products or services in exchange for some advertisements on the radio or in a paper, for example, are also a possible advertising tool. Important in using these is to remember that you are not receiving 'free advertising' - you gave away some product in exchange for it - so you must not compromise your advertising standards in such a trade. Ensure that you get a written agreement of exactly what advertising you will be getting in return. Occasionally the advertising offered is not as flattering or effective as it may sound.
Cooperative advertising is likely far more familiar to you than you think. The weekly grocery store sale flyers that you obtain in the mail are most often largely if not entirely paid for with co-op funds. With such flyers, the manufacturers of the grocery store's products will supply funding to ensure that their product is well represented in the advertisements. It is likely that you too are eligible for co-op funds from the manufacturers who provide you with your inventory. To obtain these co-op funds, or the very similar vendor dollars, ask the manufacturer's marketing manager whether you are eligible to receive them, and what rules you must follow to use them. The rules to follow often include adequate proof that the advertisements have run according to the instructions of the manufacturer, and notarized copies of finished scripts and bills. Despite the tediousness of the process, in the end I think you will find that the co-op funds or vendor dollars have been worth the time they required and trouble they caused.
Remember that if you wear a watch or ring long enough, you will get used to the feel and eventually not feel it at all. This known fact holds two very important truths about companies and advertising. Firstly, through consistent and familiar advertising, your logo and product will become well known and will promote the positive image of being a steady, constant, and trustworthy company. It is hard to determine the effectiveness and attractiveness of your own advertising, simply because you are so engaged in it. Thus, even if you become tired of some aspects of your advertising, chances are that your consumers have not had as much exposure to it as yourself, and that they have only become familiar, not tired, of your consistent advertising efforts. By the same token, unless there is some change, variety and spontaneity in your advertisements and promotional devices, your image could become dull and stale, and you could compromise gaining those potential consumers who overlook you because you present an image to which they have become 'desensitized'. The interests of people in target markets are sure to change over time, so be aware that you may need to consider a new approach in advertising if you find that your old techniques no longer influence your target market group. In advertising it is often more effective to cover a limited number of special events in a 'big way' - with may advertisements and promotional devices - than to advertise regularly in a 'small way'. Also, don't forget that, for the most part, people like to laugh and hear something new and creative - don't hesitate to have a bit of fun with your advertising!
Remember too that in advertising and sales you are primarily selling and promoting results - not your product. The consumer does not buy your seeds simply because they are seeds, but because they will bloom and beautify the consumer's gardens. Innumerable different messages can be used to promote your product to existing and potential customers, but you must ensure that your product presents clearly advantageous results - advantageous enough to encourage them to buy though they weren't planning to, to switch companies though they are comfortable with their current service providers, and to tell other people about the advantage of using you as opposed to one of your competitors. A large part of advertising is clearly describing yourself, your product, benefits, and features in a way to attract consumers that lie in your target market. Make use of brainstorming groups within and outside of your business to incorporate different points of view and fresh approaches in your advertising campaigns. A last and key thing to remember is that 'every time is a good time to advertise your product'; those who fear slow times and thus cut their advertising funds only receive the slow times that they had anticipated.
2. Print Advertising:
There are various kinds of print advertising: newspapers, newsletters, posters, bulletins and flyers to only name a few. Each kind of print advertisement has specific benefits and potential disadvantages, but regardless of which type you use, they must all have one key aspect in common: a catchy and attractive 'grabber' phrase. Wording is key in print advertising because if the reader or viewer is not immediately attracted and intrigued by the 'grabber' phrase, and does not have their interest sparked by the content of the advertisement, then you risk that people 'stop' reading your ad, or that they overlook it entirely. Effective diction and creative graphics can easily make a very small advertisement more successful than a more plain and unoriginal larger one.
Bulletins and Posters can be very effective print advertising devices, and they are efficient in that they are generally less costly and are fewer in number to distribute than flyers or business cards. With these two devices, attractive presentation and thoughtful positioning are fundamental. In a marketplace where we are constantly bombarded with various photographs, slogans, and advertisements, your poster must be especially unique, colorful, and attractively assembled in order to receive the attention that is required for successful advertisement. For this reason, it is advisable that either time and caution be taken in designing your posters, or that the help of a professional graphic designer be sought. The strategic positioning of your bulletins and posters is also an extremely important task, for they should be placed in areas that offer clear and unobstructed viewing, and in places that are often frequented by consumers in your target market group. The right combination of design and placement of posters and bulletins will ensure effective print advertising.
Flyers can be distributed as 'hand outs' in busy marketplaces and malls, or may be placed directly into mailboxes - alone or as a part of a newspaper. Flyers can be produced very cost effectively for they are not under the same 'pressure' as a poster to attract consumers and to encourage them to stop and read your advertisement. A similar design criteria for posters and bulletins exists for flyers, though, in that attractive color, design and wording are fundamental for successful advertisement. Flyers require a greater number of units in order to achieve thorough and widespread distribution; however, there is slightly more leniency in the importance of positioning for flyers. Flyers that are being mailed out allow you, as the distributor, to select where and to whom you wish your flyers to be distributed, and thus allow you to send the flyers to consumers in your target market group. When distributing flyers, again remember that consumers are always looking for the result of your product, and the reason to buy it. You may be surprised how much more effective flyers can be if they offer some kind of special offer or coupon for your product or service.
It is very effective to advertise in newspapers because, for the most part, they have wide scale distribution, a consistent clientele that regularly purchases and reads the product, and most community or general interest newspapers attract a varied audience. Circulation reports can be obtained from most newspapers in order to inform you about their specific audience, and many larger newspapers will also allow you to advertise in specific zones: these allow you to advertise in select geographic areas through those papers that best reach your target market. Newspaper advertisements also offer, for a price, enough space for you to detail many features, benefits, and information about your product: remember to keep it simple though, and relate one key message - such as a benefit - to the audience. Advertisements placed at the front of a newspaper section, higher up on the page, and on the right hand side page as opposed to the left tend to be the most successfully viewed ones; however, in order to prevent layout disappointments, salespeople generally do not allow businesses to choose the exact position of their advertisements.
Different advertising campaigns can be created for businesses: complex and well designed ones which will attract more attention for those with larger budgets, and more simple classified advertisements for those whose target market groups would primarily search the classifieds for their particular product. Newspapers often create special sections geared towards a very specific audience - i.e. farmers, mechanics, antique collectors, etc. - and, if pertinent to your business, these can be very worthwhile advertisements to purchase. The majority of newspapers have sales representatives that will suggest effective ways to advertise your product, and will help you design and position your advertisement. Advertising costs will vary depending on their graphical complexity, on the market size of readers, and on the general distribution - whether regional, national, or international - of the paper. Though it generally costs more, it is worthwhile to spend extra money in order to make your advertisement stand out from others in the paper. This can be done by simply reversing the black and white type and background in the paper, using a different font or typeface, placing attractive photographs in the ads, or using some color to highlight key features, sales, or benefits.
Aside from paid display advertisements - which appear anywhere in the newspaper layout - and classified ads - which, in a strictly standard format, appear in the 'classifieds' section of the newspaper - you may also subtly market your product by means of feature stories in the newspaper. Reporters are open to covering stories regarding events of interest to people who read their newspaper: These events could include such things as a charity fund-raiser, a sponsorship, or an open house for the public. In participating in such a feature, ensure that the story is interesting and reveals some exciting new information to the audience.
Most newspapers are flexible about making necessary last minute changes to advertisements, and this flexibility makes them an attractive advertising medium. If your company is of the sort that necessitates more periodic updating about rates, promotions, or company statistics, you may consider publishing a company newsletter. Though these require a large amount of attention, upkeep, and thought, they are an extremely effective way to keep your target market consumers up to date with the current status of your product and company. In producing a company newsletter, remember that 'to the point' is the best rule of thumb, and ensure to enclose any pertinent statistical graphs or photographs that may be of interest to the reader. The many advantages to advertising in newspapers don't come without disadvantages, though, so keep in mind that it is relatively easy for the trained reader 'with little time' to ignore advertisements in newspapers.
3. Televised Advertisements:
Like radio, television lies in the realm of electronic media. This medium of advertisement is key for businesses that require a visual representation of their product to 'do it justice' and to persuasively encourage sales. Television can offer an advertiser the chance to visually present their product in an attractive way that includes catchy music and enticing verbal explanations. With the rise of cable television and the increasingly popular satellite dishes, great segmentation of viewers has occurred in the industry and it has become difficult to run a limited televised advertising campaign while simultaneously reach a large and varied audience. This segmentation is generally advantageous, though, when you consider how it allows precise advertisement targeting.
There is much to be considered when purchasing an advertisement on television. Very few other advertising campaigns require as much knowledge, innovation, and effort to ensure effective use. Often there are extremely low priced commercial spots available to people wishing to market their product on television, but the channels where these spots are available may be ones that are rarely included in the packages that people regularly purchase. You must be cautious and ensure that you understand what you are paying for, and what you are getting in return when you purchase televised advertising and many of the 'package deals' that broadcasters may offer you.
Whether you decide that infomercials, commercials, or special features on news programs will be most beneficial and effective for your company's advertising, as a purchaser you must keep in mind that you wish to buy time during and around specific televised programs that will reach your target market consumers. You are not simply purchasing a specific channel - you must carefully consider what television shows that your consumers are watching. Such information can be obtained through market research. Also remember that in the face of seemingly 'great deals' on televised advertisements, one of the most fatal errors to make is to commit to more advertising than you had intended or budgeted for. It is almost always better to reach a small group of target market consumers than to reach a wide group of uninterested viewers.
Much like buying other advertising media, there are more and less expensive ways to purchase television time. Chances are most smaller businesses will be unable to advertise on prime time television or during a most watched sitcom, but there are certainly cost-effective purchasing possibilities that lie in smaller, more fragmented and specific markets. These smaller market spots, catered to by local broadcasting companies, will generally cost much less than national or international commercial spots. Also, Summer commercial spots generally cost less than Fall spots for there are fewer viewers in the Summertime than the Fall. When you meet with the television advertising sales representatives, ensure that you thoroughly question and understand the rates offered - and ask if there is any leeway with the prices stated or possible bonuses that could be included.
In the hopes of drawing awareness, and of preventing surprise or disappointment, advertisers must know that in purchasing television time, the possibility always exists that your commercial can be bumped from its assigned playing spot by competitive companies who are willing to 'out-bid' or 'out-pay' you for that particular time spot. In the incidence that this may occur, the broadcasting company will often negotiate and make amends to you through alternate arrangements regarding cost and air time.
4. Magazine Advertisements:
Also in the realm of print advertising, magazines can be an effective way to advertise your product. This can be achieved through stories on special events regarding your company, through paid advertisements, or through small classifieds at the end of the publication. Magazines are an extremely worthwhile means of advertisement for businesses who have a greatly distributed or specially targeted market group. Magazines also offer bright and attractive, high quality, colored product presentations in their advertisements. Often large magazines divide their distribution into particular zones or regions, and this enables an advertiser to promote his or her product in areas specific to their target market of consumers. This segmenting of advertisements on the part of the magazine publishers ensures that the articles and advertisements in the magazine are geographically close and of interest to the reader, and helps bring the cost of advertisement down for people interested in advertising in those particular sectioned zones. A disadvantage to using magazine advertisements is that they can require your stories and advertisements anywhere from 3 weeks to many months or more in advance of the publishing date. For this reason, it may be best to use magazines for complete product description and promotion, as opposed to for new sales and promotions. Also, remember that frequency is important to the success of your advertisement; a series of appearances in a magazine is sure to be more beneficial than a single appearance.
5. Radio Advertisements:
Radio is also a form of electronic media. Prepared commercials on the radio can be an effective way of sending the message about your product out to hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of listeners. Depending on the station and the audience, radio commercials can be a quite costly means to advertise your product, although commercials generally do cost very little to produce. Various voices, jingles, and music pieces can be added to a commercial to make it more memorable and interesting. Music is in fact an invaluable addition to a commercial - think how many times people will later hear the song you use, and think of your advertisement! Radio commercials should detail all the important information about your product and the necessary contacts to obtain or purchase it, and should make some special offer. Most importantly your commercial should capture the attention of the listener and make a memorable impression.
Guest appearances on radio programs, unlike radio commercials, generally do not cost anything; however, much like the feature stories that can be published in newspapers, the story must be of interest to the audience, and not simply an advertising ploy. Radio appearances can most effectively be used by enthusiastic, talkative sales people. If you are not comfortable with spontaneity and add-lib, this may not be the ideal form of advertising for you: there are actors and public speakers for hire that would be pleased to spice up your radio appearances or commercial time. Radio station events - such an announcer setting up booths and giving out promotions at your store - may also be of interest to your business as they encourages a wide variety of listeners to visit your establishment, and generally add to your advertising agenda.
It is obvious that there are more and less expensive ways to purchase radio time spots. Purchasing commercial time in December is very costly, while time in February generally goes for a comparably lower price. You can purchase costly single air spots, or package 'deals' that offer multiple spots. Opting for commercial play at 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on a high profile station would naturally cost much more than commercial play during the day or night on a less popular station. Amidst the decisions to be made, always remember your target audience. If one expensive spot during a key morning time will be more effective on one station than a great price for multiple spots on another station, your best bet would surely be to go with what the target market group listens to. Radio commercials catch people when they are going places, so remember that frequency on the radio is important - the average listener will need to hear your advertisement approximately three times before they truly hear it and become familiar with your name and product - thus, multiple spots are more effective than single or few broadcasts. Radio commercial time is generally much more cost effective than television commercial time, and in most cases it can have the same or even better effects.
Radio commercial programs are extremely effective for advertising because they attract very particular audiences, and the radio listeners often consistently tune into the same radio stations. When attempting to purchase radio time, contact the stations that your target market consumers tune into, and speak with someone in the sales department regarding an advertising program or schedule. You may also ask the representatives from the station to supply you with information regarding the characteristics of their audience - in this way you may see whether that particular station is popular with your key demographic group. Commercials are usually produced for either 30 second or 60 second spots. Thirty seconds does not sound like a lot of time, but a well organized 30 second commercial can deliver a high amount of information to the listener: as long as it is a simple and clear advertisement. If you are working with a relatively limited budget, I would argue that a catchy, well organized and presented radio commercial will attract more positive attention than a comparably low budget television advertisement.
6. Direct Marketing:
With direct marketing, the goal is to make an instant sale, right at the moment of first contact with the consumer. Direct mailing approaches are especially effective for businesses that do not have attractive offices or display rooms in which to promote or sell their products, and for businesses who require a more complete and descriptive means of presenting their products. Companies that most often use direct marketing approaches are catalogue companies, magazines (for subscriptions), and book clubs, and their means of marketing include such devices as postage-paid response cards, mail orders, telemarketers, and door to door salespeople. A direct marketing strategy could entail single mail-outs of packages, letters, or postcards; however, it has been proven that the most successful direct marketing strategies arise from persistent companies who not only mail often, but follow up their packages and postcards, with further mail, or even telephone calls. Also, including special offers, benefits, or guarantees with your direct mailing orders has been found to be very effective.
Sending out catalogues can also be an effective marketing device, but they require considerably more work and thought than letters or postcards, for example, and are much more costly to produce. Successful catalogues must offer a wide array of merchandise at attractive prices, and must ensure professional and creative presentation of their wares. Most companies also have 24 hour a day service lines, 7 days a week, and always have toll free 1-800 or 1-888 telephone numbers to increase convenience for the consumer. Telemarketers are surprisingly effective in the business of marketing products as well, and you may consider them an effective and less costly alternative to directly mailing out packages, or compiling catalogues of merchandise for consumers.
Direct marketing to consumers requires careful attention to various things including packaging, wording of letters, variety of merchandise, and encouraging response plans. An effort must be made so that your package or letter will pass the initial 'junk mail' reaction. Special attention must also be paid to the mailing list for such products. Mailing lists are a key starting point for a direct mailing approach to advertising. Compiled lists - names and addresses of people who are in directories, for example - can be obtained from suppliers; however, responder lists - names and addresses of people who are buyers from other mail order businesses, for example - can also be obtained and tend to be more effective lists to use as the people on the list are already known to respond to direct mailing advertisements. You may compile your own mailing list, based on information obtained from market research, or may purchase mailing lists from companies that assemble such lists. Such companies are listed in telephone directories or on the internet. Either way, ensure that the people that you are mailing sample products and product information to are interested, potential consumers. One of the clearest advantages of direct marketing is that the effectiveness of your approaches can be measured by using comment cards and response surveys, and keeping careful records of buyers. These, in addition to some informal research reports that can be supplied by a variety of media or advertising representatives, are your own personal means of tracking your customers and doing market research.
7. Advertising Specialties:
Advertising specialties are the wide variety of usually free gifts that you give out to current and prospective customers and upon which you advertise your name, logo, company information, and slogan. Such advertising items are offered by almost every company, and can be found in virtually any market.
Specialties can include such items as pens, t-shirts, stickers, calculators, air fresheners - the possibilities are endless. The most important thing to consider if you are planning to give out advertising specialties is whether the specialty items are unique, useful and attractive things that people will appreciate, use, and enjoy. Ensure that they are articles that will leave a lasting impression and will draw attention to your business and products long after they have been distributed. Items that are especially impressive and desirable, such as excellent quality jackets or portfolios, may even allow you to charge your customer a small fee for the gift. Charging for your specialty items is effective particularly if your company is the type whereby your customers are proud to publicize that they are your patrons.
If your items are not useful, they may be forgotten as another random gift or dust collector, and you risk losing the excellent promotional use and strong positive impression that they can make. Another note of caution about such gift items is that you must choose to either sporadically give them out for special occasions, or to consistently give them out regularly. If you are known to give specialties out to consumers, but then decide at some point that you wish to slow down their use, you risk disappointing expectant consumers. In this respect, the advertising specialties may be more of a burden to your company than a gift of thanks or recognition to your customers.
8. Billboards & Public Transit:
Other effective mediums of advertising can include such means as billboards or public transportation advertising. Billboards are a form of advertising outdoors, and they are very effective because of the frequent public exposure that they receive. An advantage to advertising with billboards is that, due to their often bright colors and large size, they are somewhat 'intrusive' and thus will not go un-noticed in public. They are very costly, though, and thus will not be a feasible advertising means for every business. They also often fall victim to vandals and in some places are or have become banned.
Transportation advertisements, like those seen on taxi cabs, delivery trucks, or on busses, are effective tools for businesses that are centrally based out of specific towns or cities. In this way, people from your target market will get much exposure to your business and product on a daily basis. Like billboards, these signs can fall victim to vandalism, and are not used in every area or market. Both billboards and transit advertisements should be bold and attractive, but also simple so that quickly moving viewers will be able to read and be persuaded by the advertisements.
9. Publicity and Public Relations:
Publicity is generally known as the process of working to have people talk about your business and product - usually by means of larger media such as newspapers or television programs - while public relations may be considered the process of talking about yourself, your business, and your product - on talk shows, in newspapers, or at community functions. A key difference between the two often confused terms is that publicity is largely a free promotional device - where a newspaper or radio/television show will do a special on your product, while public relation efforts will, for the most part, cost you money - such as sponsoring a sports team or holding seminars and giving lectures.
Public Relations is the ongoing effort, put forth by you, to do kind and good things in your community or town, while simultaneously getting or continuing to have your name and product in the community eye. It is important to note that public relations campaigns are especially essential in smaller communities, and for smaller-scale businesses where the company relies primarily on the local community to support their business. Public relations campaigns can include such activities as giving lectures, putting on contests, sponsorships, donations, joining and leading non profit groups, or donating scholarships offered in your company's name. Public relations can be used to promote special events, and to help build your company image. Speeches could be given at school career days, at Lions clubs, or at Chambers of Commerce, and it is often helpful to speak out on issues that are not specifically related to your business - this will help to present yourself and your company as a well rounded business and a caring community member. With public relations, generosity is very appreciated and does not go un-noticed: it makes sense to treat the public relations expenses as an integrated part of your advertising campaign. Companies often benefit more from their public relations efforts than they do from their paid advertising efforts.
Publicity can come in many forms. For instance, a well written story (prepared into a press release format) on an interesting topic or new development of your company may intrigue a newspaper reporter enough to publish it in his newspaper. In many cases, the press release is used to introduce the topic or story to the reporter. Assuming the reporter concludes your "news" valuable, he will call your company's spokesperson with questions and for additional information. Note: your company's spokesperson will be identified within the press release.
If you are not comfortable with your writing skills, you can certainly hire someone to write the press release for you, but there are some simple guidelines to follow that should enable you to write an effective and engaging press release yourself. A starting point can be determining what you might write a press release about: various possible subjects could include the presentation of new products or improvements to other ones, awards or special successes that your company has enjoyed, or any type of service or business change. The most simple outline for a press release follows the basic format of a catchy and engaging main title, a short sentence or paragraph detailing who, what, when, where, and why, and a brief main body consisting of all the pertinent fact. Good press releases also include direct quotes from people, and this can certainly be used to your advantage. Be sure to call the desired newspaper office(s) ahead of time and ensure that your press release is delivered to the correct person. If not, your release may risk drowning in the possible sea of papers and documents on someone else's desk.
10. Other Types of Advertising and Promotions:
The following provides a number of other ways to advertise and promote your business. Be creative with your advertising promotions and you will be sure to succeed and create a lasting impression.
Brochures | Business Cards | Letterhead |
on Hats | on Mugs | Yellow pages |
Tourism guide | The Internet | Telephone book |
T.V. Guide | Value Paks | "T.V. Ads" Station |
Sponsor events, etc | Direct mail | Word of mouth |
Display cases | Trade shows | Pens |
Magnets | Calendars | Telephone directory cover page |
Radio | Posters | Membership in Associations |
Mouse Pads | Mud Flaps | Decals on vehicles |
T-shirts | Donating your services | Attending seminars & workshops |
Providing Lectures | Teaching | Free Media Exposure (publicity) |
Letters to the Editor | Announcement Column | Newsletters |
Match books | Clothing | Bulletin Boards |
Road Signs | Day planners | "Partnerships" with other companies |
Sales force | Mail out Birth-Day Cards | Mail out weekly specials |
Invoicing customers | Catalog | Mail out Thank-you Cards |
Pamphlets | Notice boards | Packaging |
Window displays | Suggestion boxes | Former customers |
Sporting Team Uniforms | Air-fresheners | on Toys |
Private Websites | Sponsor on Events | Hot Air Balloons |
on Flags | costumed mascots | on Pins |
Pencils | Placemats | on Balloons |
Promotions are generally special events that are intended to attract large groups of people to your business place or store. Often these are undertaken by television studios or radio stations who may broadcast from your office, and who will offer free gifts and special offers to listeners or viewers who will come down to your store. Promotions can also come in the form of direct mail (as discussed above), trade show activities, coupons, or strategically placed flyers. Regardless of your chosen promotion type, it must be something that is of interest to the general public, and that will encourage them to view and subsequently purchase your product or service.
As a business owner dependent on advertising for a large part of sales and exposure, it is very important to stay 'in tune' with the constant changes in the field of popular advertising. What catches someone's attention today certainly may not do the same tomorrow. Advertising programs should thus be flexible and innovative: do not fear using new concepts and innovative types of media!