Scholarship Information Services (Josh Johnston) strongly feels that this proposal is more than feasible due to the many internal and external forces that are working against society as a whole. Forces such as higher education costs, decreased purchasing power of "the dollar", and recessionary times all present many parents and their children with a feeling of insecurity. By providing our product to the market place, it can alleviate some of the financial burden.
A great deal of time was involved in developing the optimal mission, objectives and strategies. All strategies employed are essential in order to meet both short term and long term objectives. The initial strategies, however, may need adjustments throughout the course of the business. This is a typical practice for competitive ventures.
As you are aware, the preceding business plan provides detailed information regarding all the major functional areas of Scholarship Information Services; namely, the operating requirements, production, marketing and sales, finance, accounting, human resources, organization structure, and information systems. The relative emphasis or importance for each functional area is summarized below.
The organizational structure, company culture, and human resources are connected in one form or another. Each team member must be willing to work hard and create their own opportunities. By forming a strong company culture within a semi-decentralized organization, each team member can experience freedom to be creative and feel important. This concept is reinforced and encouraged through incentive programs etc. The process begins, however, by recruiting the "right" staff.
Our established functional areas form the foundation for all other "departments" within the company. For example, one of the company's main objective is to produce quality items at a low cost. How can this objective be reached? The answer is through employees. By providing a relaxed and open environment, each team member can present his/her own views on how to lower production costs. Moreover, when employees feel comfortable and are encouraged to participate in daily operations of a company, they can be MORE productive and creative. This leads to a more efficient and productive company.
Another very important objective is to satisfy customers. The research department and computer operators must work closely together in order to achieve this objective. Also, each team member must understand that customers are number one and that they, themselves, are number two (company norm). After all, the customers are paying their salaries.
The company is formed around the idea of team spirit and autonomy. Many companies feel the need to control all employees' thoughts, actions, and methods. In some cases, employees are treated like robots. These companies do not realize that their employees are their greatest assets and without them their company is worthless. As mentioned earlier, Scholarship Information Services is proposing a system where each team member is encouraged to participate in all operating activities. This system will allow the company to grow and meet future objectives.
Scholarship Information Services anticipates to have sales of 4,000 units in 200X. However, in order to meet the forecasted sales figure, an investment of $20,000 is required (cash and capital assets are included in this amount).
In year 200Y, unit sales are forecasted to double (8,000 units are forecasted to sell), giving us more money to pay our higher forecasted operating expenses. With more revenue to "spread around" the company can look into future ventures. Moreover, by year three, Scholarship Information Services plans to develop any new product concepts.
In closing, I would like to, once again, state Scholarship Information Services corporate mission:
"To better inform graduating high school students and university students of the many financial aid assistance programs. In the future, Scholarship Information Services wish to produce innovative products which possess major market share positions."