Welcome to the Service Team of Riddles and Vittles. We hope the experience you encounter as you fulfil your duties as a Line Cook will be very rewarding.
Line Cook is a high profile job in the hospitality industry. It is through you that we at Riddles and Vittles extend the hospitality of this establishment to every guest. If you succeed in creating a pleasant atmosphere to which guests return, you are contributing to valuable service in the field of public relations.
Line Cook offers many opportunities for personal development and growth. You meet people from all walks of life and from all over the world. You learn to cope with a broad range of people and situations. New friendships develop as you interact with co-workers and guests.
You have an opportunity to learn many aspects of food preparations, and the proper methods of presentation and serving.
Line Cook is an interesting job, but it is not an easy job. With this in mind our manual has been prepared for your benefit. We ask that you study it (and any additional material we suggest) very carefully.
Being prepared for your job will make it much easier for you. The satisfaction of a job well done, and the resulting financial rewards are direct results of the effort you've put into your job.
In any job, reliability and punctuality are of prime importance.
A smooth running kitchen relies heavily upon an individual's ability to be well prepared for a busy
shift. This atmosphere is accomplished through a combination of efforts. The main areas can only
be listed. It takes the individual to put them together.
The result is a smooth functioning professional environment, providing a happier atmosphere to
work in, and ultimately, happier customers.
1) Equip yourself with proper cookware and utensils for lunch service.
* Be equipped to stay "on line" for service, and to avoid multiple trips to the freezer, walk-in, etc.
Food Preparations:
1) Seafood casserole, lunch portions.
2) Portion hamburgers for kids and adults.
3) Fish cakes prepared.
4) Chicken thawed for sandwich.
5) Lobster filling prepared for burger.
6) Hot dog and chicken fingers in line freezer. (on line for faster service).
7) Buns thawed for burgers, sandwiches, and hot dogs.
8) Condiments for sandwiches, burger. e.g. lettuce, slice tomato, sliced cucumber.
9) Clarified butter for lobster.
10) French fries in line fridge.
11) Garnish for lunch plates.
12) Prepare food items on prep list for evening service during slow afternoon service. Assist prep cook in completing prep list before end of their shift.
Clean up:
1) Cover, put away food, and date.
2) Return all pots and utensils to dishwasher and potwasher.
3) Empty any lunch items from steam table and date.
4) Wipe down counters and shelves of food for evening shift.
5) Organize items for your next shift. E.g. preplist (lunch prep).
6) Clean shelves in line fridge.
7) Know and list what has to be done for tomorrow's lunch, for yourself or co-worker. - Do not leave any surprises - initial and date list.
8) Complete lists - items to order - "we need" list.
Evening cook works on the line preparing items off the evening menu. Responsible for following:
serving evening entrees and appetizers, and cleaning duties.
Prep List For Wares:
1) 2 pots ready with mirepoix for steaming mussels and clams.
2) Saute pan and butter and herbs (seasoning) for scallops.
3) Plates ready for evening service.
1) Scallops in line fridge. Batter prepared.
2) Mussels and clams in line fridge.
3) Frozen items in line freezer.
4) Fish portioned, ready to be battered and cooked to order.
5) Have lemon wedges in line for fish.
6) * Garnish for entree's, (coleslaw) plus more elaborate design.
1) Clean line area in section. Counters and shelves.
2) Clean out line fridge and wipe down.
3) Clean stove top.
4) Strain fryers. Change weekly.
5) Return food to fridges (covered & dated).
6) Note prep for following day.
Preparing evening entree's and appetizers and cleaning duties.
1) Prep for baked oysters.
2) Early bird special
3) Seafood casseroles.
4) B.B.Q. Salmon cleaned, portioned, wrapped.
5) Rib-eye steak.
6) B.B.Q. chicken and sauce.
7) Vegetables in steamers.
8) Lobster Steamer,(salted water & rocksalt)& Cooler(ice and water) ready for use.
9) Area prep for lobster service and garnish - lettuce leaf, lemon wedge, clarified butter.
10) Burger prep.
1) Cover and return all food to fridge and date.
2) Empty line fridge of ALL food.
3) Clean counters and shelves in section.
4) Clean grill and grease trays.
5) Microwave oven.
6) Clean line fridge.
7) Take out frozen food for next day.
8) Prepare prep list for next day.
9) Clean out steamer and lobster cooler.
10) Wipe down convection oven.
The following is a list of our restaurant policies. It is your responsibility to know, understand, and follow each policy at all times.
1. Uniforms must be clean and ironed and worn at all times. The uniform for waitresses:
2. Personal Hygiene:
3. Long hair must be worn off the shoulders and tied back away from the face so as not to interfere with food service.
4. Gentlemen must be clean shaven and hair kept neat and clean.
5. Employees must punch in only when they are scheduled to begin work unless asked to do otherwise. You will be paid for scheduled time only.
6. Staff meals - one per shift, as shown on a staff menu, are available at a reduced price. These must be eaten in the kitchen BEFORE punching in. There must be no eating during your shift either in the kitchen or dining-room. Staff meals are only for those people who are on shift and working. Details will be posted in the kitchen. To avoid embarrassment to yourself and management PLEASE honor this policy.
7. The telephone at the restaurant is a business phone. It must not be used for social reasons. We will not page staff to leave work to come to the phone. Please inform friends of this.
8. A regular size pop is 25 cents for staff while on shift only. All food and pop must be paid for when you get it. All staff food must be entered in the STAFF MEALS book for inventory purposes.
9. If you are not working you should not be at the restaurant. If you are waiting for other staff members please do so outside. No loitering in the waitresses station or outside the door.
10. Your pay cheques will be deposited in your bank account every second Friday. Your pay period runs from Sunday to Saturday inclusive.
11. Please do not ask to have cheques cashed at the restaurant. The only cheques we accept are Travellers Cheques. No personal or government cheques of any kind are to be cashed.
12. Anyone caught stealing will be dismissed immediately. This includes all food items.
13. When answering the phone, it should be answered pleasantly in the following way: " Good morning/afternoon/evening, Riddles and Vittles. _______speaking."
14. Employees are entitled to breaks. Breaks are issued by the supervisor, according to shift worked and in a fair manner. One hour non-paid break is to be taken for every 5 hour work period.
15. When you are scheduled for a shift, it is your responsibility to be there on time. If you are unable to come to work please phone as early as possible so - a replacement can be called in.
Please do not call just before you are expected to begin your shift saying you cannot work. This is very unfair to your co-workers and places impossible demands on them.
16. Please know your work schedule. All schedule changes must first be approved by the hostess. Requested days off must be written in calender journal. Requested days off are not automatically granted; however, every attempt will be made to fulfill your request. Schedules provide an approximate number # of hours working that shift. Supervisor can request you stay longer or leave early if not busy. Schedules are posted weekly on Fridays. The staff does not have time to go checking schedules. You alone are responsible for knowing your shift time, and we insist that you refrain from calling the restaurant. This will minimize incoming calls and staff interruptions.
Smiling is part of our restaurant policy. Remember, friendly service is always essential. A relaxed, friendly atmosphere is a critical part of dining out. Our primary product is a social experience in which food plays only a part. We are in the business of creating happiness. Happiness among our staff members is quickly noticed by our guests. A disgruntled, "couldn't care less" attitude is noticed just as quickly. Let's all endeavor to do our utmost to cheerfully complete each responsibility we've done your best is a great satisfaction to you. It also earns immeasurable respect from your co-workers and management.